Quote Originally Posted by knowhowe View Post
Any news of when it'll be open to the public yet? Dying to see it...

The first intention was to have a permanent public exhibition centre (under the big 'Sugar House' steps down from the park) leased to and funded by council and designed by National Museums Liverpool with access from an entrance to go under the steps and directly down to the Old Dock wall (instead of through retail service corridors). Grovesnor paid for the construction of the 'concrete box' as their part of the deal.

Further funds not being forthcoming, the exhibition space is an un-let shop unit (intended as a coffee shop) still there, under the big steps just to the left of the lifts opposite John Lewis.

From then on, visits were to be by arrangement only and there were no plans to make it permanently public.

I am sure if there was sufficient public support (and a willingness to give something else up), something could be done about.