I would like to lift my glass, (it contains a fine blackberry port made here on dis island, off the coast of british columbia, canada...Indeed! you might be asking yurself what is a canuck, who lives on a island, on the other side of the world, doing posting about one hard luck henry in the great liverpudians thread...Well....lean in...whilst I tell you...

One dark winter night, we canucks were hanging at our message board, just like this place. Suddenly, a stranger appeared, one, hard luck henry...Right away we all knew henry was a "special" kind of wanker...We canucks are not use to manners and intelligence, as we spend most of our time kicking neoconservative ass at our fourm. Henry hard luck, bigh, I call him is a liverpudian..meseryside to be exact. Course, bigh took a shine to the poem by Robert Service, called hard luck henry...hense his name.

Anyhos..on with the story...I heard things about liverpool, negative things over the years, but hard luck henry showed us what a rich beautiful place it was. Most of all tho, he showed us the wit and the humour and the intelligence of liverpudians. Course we have to put up with our grammer and words being corrected, to which we say blah blah... And he started a board war, coz we are using fecker now! Thank you henry hard luck for showing us a culture and a people as fine as this here blackberry port...Ehm...I might send a few canucks over here...just to mess you lot...

Psst...don't bother correcting my english or my sentences...I gots henry hard luck for that....cheers and beers liverpudians...
