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Thread: Detention Cells Exchange Street area.

  1. #1
    Guest Chris48's Avatar

    Default Detention Cells Exchange Street area.

    In the 1980s, I was given a guided tour of the basement of a building that I think was in Exchange Street. I seem to recall it was near to the underground car park on the left as you travel up from Dale street. In this basement were dozens of little Detention cells that were covered in white tiles. I think the guy showing me around thought they were from the days of the Slave trade but I doubt the buildings were old enough and there is doubt that Slaves were ever brought to Liverpool anyway. Has anyone heard of these little cells and what they were used for?

  2. #2
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Sep 2005


    Sounds interesting. I'm sure someone here might know of them.

  3. #3
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Not quite the ones you are on about, but in the book 'Underground Liverpool' in nearby Fazakerley Street under a disused book shop, an underground room is described as being a cell in in an old bridewell?

    I know the space under Exchange flags was used for storage and the Nelson monument in the centre was used as ventilation for that space and there was an underground car park there later, accessed via a slope from Exchange street East.

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  4. #4
    Guest Chris48's Avatar


    These were definately incarceration cells. They may have been left from the old Exchange flags. The white tiles suggested Edwardian.I remember them quite well apart from exactly where they where. Sods law init!

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