Quote Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Can I explain that I actually played guitar with Freddie Star and the Midnighters. The same guy had a bad bout of depression and should have got his job back on lines. He carried on and things did become worse. I believe that this was an illness and he is now trying to rectify it.

Alexi Sayles was not even forgiven by his mother, for his comments about Liverpool, nor will they ever be forgiven by me. As far as I am concerned he may as we apply for ajob on the Sun. They are both as welcome as farts in spacesuits in my part of the world.
Can explain all you like about Freddie Starr, even my own dad and a guy i used to work with says hes a good bloke. But to me hes an unfunny pratt.

Alexi speaks his mind, and when people preach freedom of speech, it dosen't count if THERE own is in the firing line. And considering Scousers are always critical of outside towns, they cry foul when its not in there favour. So for your apply for the Sun comment is typical really.