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Thread: milner safe factory

  1. #1

    Smile milner safe factory

    hi everyone

    does anyone have any pics of the milner safe factory in liverpool.
    the reason i want a pics is that the milner's are my part of my family. or any info would be good.


    Last edited by runcorn_lad; 09-08-2007 at 08:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Member redjed1's Avatar
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    My grandad worked for Milner's about 1920-30's (I think). They had a factory in Smithdown Road. On a 1928 map there is a Milner Street, off Aigburth St, next to the factory. It got bombed in 1940 and they moved (see article about "Pearsons" on this forum (about page4) in 2007.
    They also had a shop in Lord Street (a photo of the front of this shop is in Paul Bolger's book "Postcard Photographers Pt3" on page31).


  3. #3
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    The Milner safe factory is in the background.

    Last edited by Waterways; 01-27-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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  4. #4


    thanx for that the only part of the milners safe factory i knew was in speke. mr gr gr gr grandfarther was henry d milner and he was manager of the liverpool branch. and also my uncle's the dobies worked there till the end. anyone else who knows any more info that would be good.

    cheers runcorn_lad

  5. #5
    Local Historian Cadfael's Avatar
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    The Pearsons Book is still in progress. I spoke to the MD not too long ago who has been in and out of hospital with serious heart trouble. Other members of his family have also had serious personal problems too so I wished them all a speedy recovery.

    The website is still work in progress but I have some very hi res pictures of the whole area which I am unable to show due to copyright. Once the book is out, and copyright is lifted, I may be able to get permission to send you a hi-res picture of the factory.

  6. #6
    Newbie johndog's Avatar
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    Default Thomas Milner & Son

    I wonder whether anybody can direct me to a history of Thomas Milner & Son? I first became interested because I am descended from Thomas Milner, through his son William, then William's daughter Jane, who married Daniel Ratcliff. But now that the genealogy is established I find the Milners so interesting that I want to know more.

    It appears that William, who presumably must be due a lot of the credit for building the company up, died in 1874 and may well have retired from the business before that. Did he have a son and, if so, did that son take over the company? If not, who ran it after William?

    Another question is whether Daniel Ratcliff, who was making safes in Liverpool in the 1860s, was working for Milners or for another company.

    Any help very much appreciated.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Norm NZ's Avatar
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    Default Milner's

    Quote Originally Posted by runcorn_lad View Post
    thanx for that the only part of the milners safe factory i knew was in speke. mr gr gr gr grandfarther was henry d milner and he was manager of the liverpool branch. and also my uncle's the dobies worked there till the end. anyone else who knows any more info that would be good.

    cheers runcorn_lad
    I think, if my memory is correct, that Milners factory was on Speke Boulevard, and later became The Metal Box factory!.

  9. #9
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    There was but I think the Milners/Phoenix safe factory brother cad is interested in was the one near Mason street in Edge Hill.

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  10. #10


    I am almost certain that Milners factory became the No1 plant for Standard Triumph, later BL.

  11. #11

    Default milners

    I remember the Milners safe company was in smithdown lane liverpool 7. when I was a kid I played in or next to the factory which housed hundreds of american tanks and jeeps in the early fifties. we had great fun, even finding live rounds inside the tanks ,the site was cleared and entwistle heights was built on it.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Waterways's Avatar
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    The factory is in the background with the chimney:

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  13. #13
    Newbie johndog's Avatar
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    Default Milners

    I have been told that Milners were themselves making motor car parts at their Speke factory after WWII, before selling it to Standard-Triumph around 1960.

    I wonder whether runcorn-lad could put any dates to his gr gr gr grandfather Henry D Milner?

    The picture of the seal at Croxteth Hall is magnificent.

  14. #14


    i sure can johndog Henry was born 1827 in hull and died 1906 Liverpool. now i think he father was a John T Milner and his mother Mary ann.

    cheers runcorn lad

  15. #15
    Newbie johndog's Avatar
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    Default Milners

    Thank you, runcorn_lad.

    As I understand it Thomas Milner, the founder of Thomas Milner & Son, was born in 1781 and died in 1849. William, the Son in the company name, was born around 1805 and died in 1874. I am sure William ran the company while he was alive. I have been trying to find out who took over from him.

    William had a daughter Jane (my great grandmother) but I have found no evidence of a son. runcorn_lad's ancestor Henry D Milner is of about the right generation (22 years younger than William) to have taken over. Henry D came from Hull, whereas Thomas and William were from Sheffield, so the family connection may not have been very close, but for him not to be related to William would be too much of a coincidence.

    The 1871 census shows William as employing 480 men, and I have read that by the end of the century Milners were about the biggest manufacturers of safes in the world. So whoever was in charge over that period was a very competent person.

    Any information much appreciated.

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