Quote Originally Posted by Marty1 View Post
I hope it wasn't Mick Groves ! What was the main difference between the two, Gerard ?
Mick Groves..?..doesn't ring a bell Marty..

The headmaster was a Charlie Traynor.. one b******...
There were a few loons that carried their sticks everywhere and terrified the boys for
larking about on the corridors...I remember seeing movies in the main hall, we'd pay in to see the likes of 'Goodbye Mr Chips'...the lessons were great what I remember, the school was great overall.. the annexe part was a small building, I dont think it had many classrooms from what I remember. SFX was a great school, it was very strict...VERY strict....I got a bit of a shock when I left for St Gregs and the lads I knew went bevvieing with the school teachers in the Farmers Arms on Roscommon St in the dinner hour...the 2 schools were only a few hundred yards apart, they were a million miles apart as far as education went..