Bit of a weird one for you!

Sometime last year, maybe the year before, I was out shopping with the Missus.

We were on Bold Street, on the right as you look up to St Lukes. I'm guessing she was either in the Halifax, or a shop called 'The Works'.

So, that probably places me outside one of those. On the pavement, there are a couple of rows of 'glass tiles???', don't know if thats the right word. Just look like opaque glass cobbles.

Anyways, one of these cobbles is missing, and I looks down at it. Amazingly, you could see straight through to what I can only describe as another street. It was like the whole roadway of Bold St was suspended 20-25 foot in the air above his street. It had a proper tarmacced road, and it looked like empty cardboard boxes waiting for collections.

It made it appear like the ground floors of buildings, were really the 2nd floors.

I hadn't been drinking, and I haven't smoked the Waccy Baccy for a good few years now.

I saw what I saw.

Googling it throws up nothing, So.....

Can anybody shed any light on this for me?

Cheers, Mugsy.