I recently found a few old family photos. There are a few of me, one of them is this one. I reckon I was probably less than two, but might have been older? Funny thing is that, perhaps because being photographed was such a rarity, I can actually remember this incident and its one of my earliest memories. We lived in Linkside (Woolton) and I was helping clean the panes in the back door. I remember thinking it would be more efficient if I stood in the bucket, and then not understanding why I was being laughed at because of this. Obviously it was funny enough for someone to get a camera out.

Does anyone know how to improve the quality of the photo? It's faded so it looks almost like a negative. Any suggestions appreciated. I've got a basic version of photoshop but that doesn't seem to do much to it.

I've found loads of old negatives as well - does anyone know a cheap way of getting those onto my computer? Do I need to get them developed at a photo place like Boots?