In October 2010 my friend Bill Harry >> Mersey Beat.. The Bill Harry Interview arranged for an exhibition of my John Lennon Liverpool related photographs to be shown during the John Lennon season that was held in Liverpool in remembrance of 2 special Lennon anniversarys in the same year, Johns 70th Birthday and the 30th anniversary of his death..

Due to reasons beyond my control the exhibition was cancelled. the people who were supposed to show the exhibition still have around 100 of my photographs and say they will show the exhibition exclusively of my photographs some time in 2011...if it comes off, great...if it does'nt, no big deal.

Meantime...I'll post a few Liverpool Beatles related photographs on here...



I'm sorry about showing only a small shot of this house...
I dont want to be the one responsible for this house being exposed to the world...

This is the only house John Lennon owned in Liverpool..
it is the last house Lennon slept in in Liverpool..with Yoko Ono...
there is a story related to this house that would shock Beatles would shock the world...but its not for me to say on here....

You can search the internet all day and you wont find a photograph of this house..
You will not see this house on any Beatles tour..

Biolettis barber shop as mentioned in Penny Lane..
the chairs on the left is where you sat originally to get your hair cut..

there was a little enclosed booth to the left if you wanted your hair cutting quick.
None of The Beatles ever used that booth..
the gas fire on the right is where they would sit and wait their turn..

This is 1 Blomfield Rd..
This was John Lennons Mum Julias house..
it is the house John was in on the night his mum was run over and killed by drunken off duty police officer Clague...
John would have got the news at the front door at the bottom of the stairs in the photo.

And you are looking at a very rare photograph of the bathroom that John Lennon, Paul McCartney and the Quarry Men would all cram into because they liked the acoustics made in the bathroom..