There is one thing that really concerns me about this city more than most other things, the lack of maintenance and general scruffyness of quite large areas of the city.
Things like bent and rusted railings, litter, rubbish paving, overgrown and muddy verges and general dirt are all too common in alot of areas. There seems to be a genuine lack of care when looking after areas outside the city centre with signs and railings etc just being thrown up. Things like railings are put up and left for years till they end up needing to be replaced again. There seems to be no effort or attention to detail by the council. It would be nice to see the council just going around sprucing areas up by planting trees, cleaning the pavements etc etc.
Some areas a simply depressing to walk around and make you feel ashamed. I have contacted Warren Bradley and the Have Your Say team a couple of times regarding this issue and they have assured me that improvements are being made which I do agree with but we are still way behind other cities. I think too many people just accept it as the norm and its about time it stopped. People need to start tackling this issue as in the long run it will improve quality of life for alot of people and it will ensure Liverpool is sending out the right message to visitors.