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Thread: Debra says Formby lacks character and soul.

  1. #16
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    a few weeks after we moved in , we had numerous visits from council officials , saying they had had reports from people about the sand leaving a stain on the road , not the pavement the road , we got in a road tarmac firm to re-tarmac and cover the small sand stain . Then we had more , they wanted to see my planing permission , for inside and out .. We met all of their requirements ..
    My daughter was born in Formby Street , in 1997 , not one person asked me what i had had , not ONE person let on to me .. Furthermore , a young Mum had passed away , she lived a few doors down , nobody said a word , a friggin year later i found out by accident ! That street is full of tuppence ha'penny toffs with dirty nets .. Don't talk to me about bleedin Formby .........

    AND they are carrying on with each others husbands .. Phoney lot all of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can quite believe all of this Debra. I can just imagine the petty fuss about the mark on the road ! ( Gawd blimey, they'd die if they had the environmental probs we have to endure in Anfield !!)
    I can quite believe that no one acknowledged your new baby. I know the type of people you mean - they don't fraternise with neighbours.

    I would imagine there are a few other 'posh' places like this too. although we admire some of the affluent leafy suburbs, the people don't give you the time of day.

    .. and yes - half of them are carrying on behind the net curtains with each others husbands ! ha!

  2. #17
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    You can take the girl outta Tommy Whites but ya can't take Tommy Whites out the girl.

    And good on you Debra. I know what you mean but it's not just Formby. Where I live, it's the scousers that do all the letting on and talk to each other in the street. I know people that live in nice housing estates in Liverpool who've gone snooty though - think they've moved up a notch but it might be more a sign of the times rather than the housing as people are people.

    I think we're just too used to having been brought up in simpler more sociable times where tenement squares, lots of families living on top of one another forced conversation and interaction. Youth clubs a plenty at a time that was impressionable to us - lots of family living near - all drinking in the same local corner pub which had social nights, charra days out, darts and pools teams etc....

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  3. #18
    Senior Member lindylou's Avatar
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    Where I live you can't step outside for a moment before someone stops to speak to you - sometimes you are dodging people when you are in a rush, ha,ha!
    We always used to smile about my nan .. .. she'd say, 'I'm just going to the post office' ( 2 mins up the road) - she'd be gone an hour and a half .. .. getting back in she'd say, ''I couldn't get up the road for talking !'' every street corner she'd be stopped to talk to some one else
    When you have a new baby here, the neighbours always send a card, gift, or put money into the baby's hand. You can't get down the road for people wanting to look into the pram

  4. #19
    member Trampshipman's Avatar
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    Hi pennylane / Debra, [I prefer Debra],
    After reading through your `anti Formby` tirade, I do have the very faintest of suspicions that you actually do not like the place ! [joke].
    Debs be assured that your `post` causes me no offence at all. There`s nothing in it which could be deemed offensive anyway. You are simply telling things the way you see them, and there is no offensive content whatsoever. You have mostly referred to things in the past tense, so does this mean you no longer live in Formby ? I lived in number 20 Formby St [pretty close to yours eh ?] and was very happy there,and the name Mrs Carr seems to ring a bell but I can`t put a face to the name.
    Debra the Formby I wrote about was not the Formby you describe. They are two completely different places inhabited by completely different peoples. Todays Formby is nothing more than just another suburb of Liverpool taken over almost completely it seems by `Scousers`. That is why I said to you “Ask all the `Scousers` what have they done to Formby” ? “What did they do with all that character and soul and community spirit which once existed there aplenty” ? Debs, I described a community as it WAS, whilst you are describing a community as it IS ! And yes ! I tend to agree with you !


  5. #20
    Senior Member Billy D's Avatar
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    had a great Baths by formby in Crosby,,,Heck of a divin Board

    I think the Scousers as you portray us Ken,,,,,,made other city and towns a better place to live,,,,but later generations
    Have spoilt it,,,,dont forget the likes of Kirby,,Skem,,Runcorn,,,etc,,,,all oferflows,,,great in the day,,
    were did your kin hail from Ken,,,,,mine were from Ireland


  6. #21
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Formby baths. Never heard of that one

    Crosby maybe

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  7. #22
    Senior Member Billy D's Avatar
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    Good Spot Ged,,,,

    Last there 40 odd years ago,,,,


  8. #23
    Re-member Ged's Avatar
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    Great wasn't it. Been the new one but not the same atmosphere. Probably because i'm not 14 anymore and trying to swim underwater with my goggles on to see mufflemaze.

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  9. #24
    member Trampshipman's Avatar
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    Baths by Formby in Crosby ? Crosby really is a heck of a way from Formby Bill. Wouldn`t like to have to walk it ! Folks mainly from Wales Bill, but Dad English. He was lost in Submarine Service.


  10. #25
    member Trampshipman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
    Formby baths. Never heard of that one

    Crosby maybe
    They`ve got one now Ged. Been open a couple of years now I think. It`s near `the village` on the site of what was Formby football ground when I was a kid.


  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Trampshipman View Post
    Hi pennylane / Debra, [I prefer Debra],
    After reading through your `anti Formby` tirade, I do have the very faintest of suspicions that you actually do not like the place ! [joke].
    Debs be assured that your `post` causes me no offence at all. There`s nothing in it which could be deemed offensive anyway. You are simply telling things the way you see them, and there is no offensive content whatsoever. You have mostly referred to things in the past tense, so does this mean you no longer live in Formby ? I lived in number 20 Formby St [pretty close to yours eh ?] and was very happy there,and the name Mrs Carr seems to ring a bell but I can`t put a face to the name.
    Debra the Formby I wrote about was not the Formby you describe. They are two completely different places inhabited by completely different peoples. Todays Formby is nothing more than just another suburb of Liverpool taken over almost completely it seems by `Scousers`. That is why I said to you “Ask all the `Scousers` what have they done to Formby” ? “What did they do with all that character and soul and community spirit which once existed there aplenty” ? Debs, I described a community as it WAS, whilst you are describing a community as it IS ! And yes ! I tend to agree with you !

    Thanks for understanding Ken . Best wishes ..
    P.S. i left Formby three weeks ago , right now i'm in between houses , still commuting on a daily basis back and forward to Formby though , as my daughter still has her life and her friends there .

  12. #27
    Senior Member John Doh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    Debra 'ME' still stands by her word , Formby is a soulless characterless place , i moved here in 1996 . I lived in 25 Formby Street , an old Victorian house that needed a lot of modernising . It took us 10 months to do that house up , it was a total rip out ! I bought the house from a friend of mine , it was her grandparents house , we restored that house back to it's former glory , even bringing in specialists who renovated grade 11 listed buildings and churches , a few weeks after we moved in , we had numerous visits from council officials , saying they had had reports from people about the sand leaving a stain on the road , not the pavement the road , we got in a road tarmac firm to re-tarmac and cover the small sand stain . Then we had more , they wanted to see my planing permission , for inside and out .. We met all of their requirements ..
    My daughter was born in Formby Street , in 1997 , not one person asked me what i had had , not ONE person let on to me .. Furthermore , a young Mum had passed away , she lived a few doors down , nobody said a word , a friggin year later i found out by accident ! That street is full of tuppence ha'penny toffs with dirty nets .. Don't talk to me about bleedin Formby .........

    My best friend in Formby street was an elderly woman called Mrs carr , she was born there , and she told me how much it had changed , the problem with some of the scousers is this , once that removal van gets up the bypass , they have a brain transplant , and start trying to talk different , they ignore each other , like they are ashamed to say where they are from .. Well i am sorry , but that's not me , i am ME i have always been me , and i won't change for anyone .. Like i said , my friends were elderly genuine people .. I also worked for Mill Hill fathers at Herbert House on Victoria road for three years ..
    Formby has no community anymore , people don't care about each other , AND they are carrying on with each others husbands .. Phoney lot all of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Trampshipman , no dis respect at all is meant to you in my reply .
    Could it be that what this is really all about is what sociologists term anomie, a condition in which people lose their values. It's not so much about the place itself, but what's expected of it by the new arrivals - scousers, yes, but those who have been seeking upward mobility who feel that this requires them to leave much of their culture behind them; but in the process they are no longer sure of who they are any more...

  13. #28
    member Trampshipman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennylane View Post
    Thanks for understanding Ken . Best wishes ..
    P.S. i left Formby three weeks ago , right now i'm in between houses , still commuting on a daily basis back and forward to Formby though , as my daughter still has her life and her friends there .
    Hi Pennylane,[still like Debra better !]
    I used to commute FROM Formby to Southport [just a joke really !] As a young lad I had to get the train daily for about three years when I attended a Southport school. I used to get a bit browned off with that, and much preferred earlier years when I could just walk to school in Freshfield Road, and before that in Chapel Lane. Actually, even though Formby is no longer the village which I once knew, I do still tend to drive up there now and again just for old times sake I suppose. However, I must admit that when I get there I do tend to just sit in the car day dreaming about the way things were. So Debs you have left what used to be `good old Formby Street` and are presumably still `between houses`. Well Debs, I can only now wish you well, and hope that you do eventually find someplace with decent and caring neighbors.



  14. #29


    carrying on with each others husbands??? spill the beans!!!

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Susy View Post
    carrying on with each others husbands??? spill the beans!!!
    The only beans getting spilled in Formby are the ones in Sayers at lunchtime !!
    You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
    Malcolm X

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