Calling Liverpool seamen of the 40s/50`s regarding `the Pool` in old Canning Place.

I seem to remember the merchant navy `Pool` [The Shipping Federation] as being in a large building along one side of open ground at Canning Place. Just across from the `Pool` was The Seamens Union in a separate building on its own. Then at the top end of that open space stood the old `Sailors Home`, near to a `firing` school. Or should I say a school for firemen ? [of the stoking variety].
Now, I`ve just read that the `Pool` was actually in the ground floor of the `Sailors Home` building, and I feel sure that unless my memory is playing tricks on me, that just cannot be true.
Is there someone out there who can confirm the accuracy of my memory ? OR :- Is someone going to tell me that my `head is gone`, and that there is now nothing between my ears but `space` ?
Come on then, I can take it !!!
