Hi all

There is such a thing as a "found poem" wherein the writer finds some piece of writing that was never meant to be a poem and presents it as a newly found poem. Such poems can be found from combinations of words in a newspaper, or in street signs, or anywhere. I remember some years ago the American poet Robert Wallace at a reading I helped sponsor at Loyola College that I attended read a found poem that he had found in a toilet--

Born a virgin
died a virgin
laid in her grave

In London during the Sixties, I recall seeing some hippies in Euston Station as I waited for a train to take me back up to the 'Pool. Two signs were above the long-haired gents that said "WAY OUT. . . . GENTLEMEN." Not so much a poem but still a found statement. Similarly, after Christmas looking out of the train I saw a sign with a missing letter that said "ELF STORAGE."

In any case, this is all a preamble to giving a link to an article, "David Bunn: The Lost Poetry of Card Catalogs" by Alaina Sloo, which references in part found poems discovered in the card catalogue of the Liverpool Central Library by Professor David Bunn.

I encourage you to put any found poems you discover around Liverpool or elsewhere in this thread.
