How is it that in the town center the pavements slabs get laid edge to edge and yet in the outer suberbs the pavement is highly dangerous for trips and falls? is it because the council want joe public to trip and injure themselves or is it because some white collar worker just cannot be bothered(inspection) reporting the job is substandard and needs to be done again with a kick ass warning to the flaggers?

There's a street by me that has 20% new flags been laid and they're sticking out at the edges/corners that is an accident waiting to happen.

I'm gonna take a few pics of this street in a day or two and post em here on this thread.
I'd appreciate anyone else taking pics of their own pavement cos I'm gonna write a stiff letter to the council enviroment and directing them to the thread here when enough pics has been posted.

This would not happen in Germany,Holland,France,Belgium ect,ect and its high time England county councils enforced a stiff ruling that pavements should be high priority in the levelling of them.

Grrrrr! it makes yer mad to think these shoddy jobs are in with the council taxes we pay.