The Carnegie library on the corner of Lister Road and Green Lane was closed because of health and safety problems, although I don’t know any further details.

I passed by Everton Library just last week. The roof is wrapped in black plastic sheeting. Plans are apparently being considered as to its future use.

PDF files outline various proposed schemes.

The new Breck Road library was created for two reasons, firstly money: it was cheaper to close two old libraries which were little used and to replace them with one new library which could be opened in modern, rented premises; secondly, usage: it was argued that a position in a busy shopping area would generate more custom. According to the library staff the numbers of people using the new library is more than double that of both the old libraries it replaced combined. However, the last I heard (some years back now) the landlord had increased the rent. Future rent increases appear to have been left out of the calculations which influenced the decision to make the closures. Once a library has been established in a rented building it is no small matter to move it out again, so future rent rises may become a problem, although in the current economic climate the landlord might well prefer to keep a steady tenant in place.