Modern Art

Modern art: Aaaaaaargh!

Iron men littering the Formby seashore?
St. George's lions in cages or banners
emblazoned with Yoko's t*i*t*s*?!!!
Green boats filling a bombed-out

church? On a general basis, please,
you can keep all these artsy bits.
And Super Lamb Banana? Enough
to render me blue and bananas, too!

I prefer my lions uncaged, thank you
very much, and art to make us think,
fine, but not art to dumb us down.
Modern artifacts only make us frown.

But, you say, Lamb Banana delights
the kids like the Yellow Submarine.
Alright, though mostly I'm not keen,
I'll confess, they make me smile too.

Christopher T. George

Super Lamb Banana. From Liverpool Pages by SapineKuu

Below: Installation in St. Luke's Church, Liverpool.