Hello all

Look at this very accomplished work by a young man named Jacob Cole who is obviously well on his way to becoming a fine writer.


As a bit of background, Derek Richards, a poet friend of mine, wrote: "had to put this out there, had to. my future stepson, 12 yrs old, read a poem to his mother and I the other night. i happen to think he's an excellent writer, regardless of age. anyway, asked for a copy not knowing exactly what i could with it. after some research i found Irish's Story Playhouse, thought it perfect, and submitted it. Six hours later, Irish herself is on the phone (i haven't had that happen to me yet, ) and it's published. 12 yrs old. i submitted when i was 26, got published and it took another TWELVE years before i got up the nerve to do it again. ya know, one for one, why take the chance of hearing someone say no...
needless to say, i'm surrounded by alot of people who are ecstatic, proud and very appreciate of one Irish Monahan. thought a feel good story but do some wonders for some of us,
and posted here because of the traffic volume.
don't know about you but it can get a little depressin' this time of year.....
his name is Jacob Cole"

Enjoy it!
