
Are we-the-people tied 'til death do us part', to the present political system?

Whichever political colour you think yourself, are you one of those who thinks political change is beyond you?

In the 2005 General Election (GE) many of 'us' did not bother voting...
Garston-45% did not vote.
Riverside-58% " " ".
Walton-55% " " ".
Wavertree-49% " " ".
West Derby- 53% " " ".

Given that the next GE is an important one for democracy here and across Europe. What can be done?
What can we-the-people do?
There is 'power2010' which asks for the public to submit ideas for change, these ideas to be put to all Prospective Parliamentery Candidates (PPCs) and to ask them each to 'pledge' to bring much needed change about.

I, on the other hand, wish people to consider voting for smaller partys and local Independents. I put this forward to both engage with those who do not have the voting habit AND to change the make-up of Parliament.
Who has the answers to our present problems?
The ones that were all too busy taking care of their own interests to care?
[this includes all that are at present in Parliament]
Harry Potter?
The time has come, I say, for we-the-people to take responsibility for all that has befallen us and by doing so realise that the answers to these problems TOO are ours.
(we SHALL pay).
Given the large proportion of Liverpulians that as yet do not vote and all those for who this next GE will be their first chance to vote. No sitting politician has a majority to match their number. ALL is up for grabs.

Are you tied to this present political system?