[COLOR="Lime"]Do you have a passion for something?

What would you do with a gallery space right in the centre of Liverpool?

FACT has the space, equipment, materials and a team of people - all we need is your networks and ideas![/COLO

Climate for Change is an exhibition that takes a wider view of environmental crisis from the perspective of power and politics, linked to food crisis, housing crisis, financial crisis and more. The exhibition is about grassroots networks and communities.

From 13 March to 31 May, FACT is opening its gallery doors for artists and groups to come together through workshops, talks, discussion, and activity. You don't have to be an environmental group to be involved - we're interested in all types of grassroots, self organised communities doing interesting things!

If you would like to use FACT's gallery space for a workshop, presentation, group meeting, screening or just for more information, contact:
Leon Seth on 0151 707 4441 / email leon.seth@fact.co.uk
or Andrea Lee on 0151 707 4464 / email andrea.lee@fact.co.uk