'Borrowed' this idea from another sailor's forum. Reproducing my own contribution below. What did you do that caused you immense embarrassment on your first trip to sea?

Took a full trip to live this down - and was occasionally reminded of it years later when sailing with people who were there.
First trip on the MV Novelist - 6th engineer. Leaving Liverpool and put on the movement book. Thought I'd save time by writing out the movements in advance - dead slow, slow, half, full. Thought we'd just let go, build up speed, then leg it all the way to the West Indies!
Hadn't taken into account the multiple movements forward and reverse it would take to leave the berth, navigate Canada Dock, then move into the lock before getting to the river.
The 3E spotted it before the first movement and I had to rub it all out - thankfully it was in pencil.
My face feels red now, just remembering it.

Right guys - fess up. What did you do?