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  1. Hugh Shimmin (1820 - 1879)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Edwards View Post
    Hugh Shimmin (1820 - 1879)

    Hugh Shimmin was born in Castletown, and went, when a child, with his parents, to Liverpool, where they apprenticed him to a stationer and bookbinder. When as a young man he had the opportunity to buy the business he was delighted to find that his wife had saved enough money for him to do so. He later founded the
  2. Housing and Health in Liverpool a History

    Quote Originally Posted by BobEd View Post
    Liverpool has always had many achievements to be proud of. In the field of health and welfare it has plenty of important achievements in which Liverpool people can truly say the city led the way. Unfortunately in the 19th and early 20th centuries Liverpool also led the way in terms of having the worst conditions in housing, health and sanitation. This situation was in part addressed by people like Doctor Duncan and Kitty Wilkinson. In 1842 the senior civil servant Edwin Chadwick published a report
  3. Court Housing in Liverpool

    Quote Originally Posted by BobEd View Post
    The population of Liverpool had swelled in proportion to its wealth and from the early years of the 19th century there was a need for more and more houses. Speculators were not slow to see the opportunities and set about building cheap housing for the masses. There was nothing humanitarian about their projects --- the homes were designed with but one specification which was to accommodate as many people as possible in order to accrue as much rent as possible, and the simple design did just that.
    Tags: court, duncan, housing Add / Edit Tags