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  1. Growing up in the 60's

    by , 05-27-2011 at 07:19 PM (Australian Bound/ Living with royalty)
    Marty1 has just reminded about growing up in thr 50's & 60's I think my self it was great to be born then, not anything particular we were encoraged to go outside and get a small job I remember spud picking someone giving you the sh***s and chucking a rotten spud at them getting you first girl friend not like today computers, mobile phones.we went for rides on our bikes to Southport man said we could park our bikes behind him while we went in then cycled home tired but happy, Friday night ...
  2. What Music have you on now ?

    This is a great Thread, I often look in to see what the current songs are and I am rarely disappointed, especially if its an oldie, simply because I am one. I first became interested in music when I was about 8 years old, Radio Luxembourg was the main station that we listened too, the only problem we had was with the reception, the signal often faded out and then returned again, more often than not when you were listening to a song you had been waiting all night for so you ended up with the Radio ...
  3. teddymc

    hi can any1 give me any information about burnham place or burnam court off kew st it was right at the back of the homer picture house